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Spring Equinox Celebration & Potluck

Spring is a time of transformation and renewal, a time when the earth bursts forth with new life and energy. Our Spring Equinox Yoga Celebration is an opportunity to honor this natural cycle and cultivate a sense of vitality and joy within ourselves.

During this event, we will come together as a community to emerge from our wintering and explore what seeds can be planted for balance, growth and self sustaining energy.

Join Margot and Kristin for a mash-up flow class and Spring intention "seed planting" followed by a community potluck and gathering.

Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, all are welcome to join us for this special celebration of the Spring Equinox. Come as you are, and let us journey together into the blossoming season ahead.

Meet The Teachers


Margot’s passion for the creative goes far beyond her unique eye for design and innovative class sequencing. Margot has the ability to turn a room into a sanctuary and a business into a community of people working together for a greater good


Kristin's classes are led intuitively with enthusiasm and some challenge, while still providing a space for students to connect with their highest being and deep inner work. Off the mat, she continues to explore the Self through tarot, nature and crystal healing.


Early Bird: $35

Regular: $40

*Unlimited Members get 10% off

Larger Discounts when Combined with the 10 day Ayurvedic Cleanse!