March 2024

There is a tendency this time of year to feel the pull of spring coupled with a little anxiety to begin doing more with our time,  plans and energy. When I start to feel this pull, I try to remind myself of the importance of winter and its slower, more nourishing qualities. I remind myself that spring will come and the time for warmth, planting and more movement will be here before I know it, and to not rush it.

In our western culture, there is always an underlying pressure to do more, produce more and the notion that rest is lazy. However we also have the highest rate of burnout in the world. 

I have found that when we are constantly in a mode of production, having to create from a place of pressure and not nourishment, we end up exhausted, uninspired and run down. 

What if we actually  gave ourselves the space to be nourished, the room to rest and to receive the winter as a percolating space for creativity? If we truly give ourselves the time and rest we not only need but so deeply deserve, the growth that is inevitably moving through us will blossom with much more ease and joy.

So my mantra this month is just that. Choose nourishment over pressure. To be conscious of when the pressure is societal and outside of myself and move from a place of asking “is this truly what is needed now? Or can I nourish myself more for what needs to come through to come through?

Sending peace and nourishment this season.



Catalina Zbar